fastText, Facebook ML Library

Jalaz Kumar · September 30, 2020

An open-source, free, lightweight library created by Facebook R&D that learns text representations and build text classifiers.


  • Written in C++ and supports multiprocessing during training.

  • Allows us to train supervised and unsupervised representations of words and sentences.

Setting it up

$ pip install fasttext
$ python
Python 2.7.15 |(default, May  1 2018, 18:37:05)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import fasttext

Word Embeddings

  • For processing natural language & extracting useful info from that text using ML, requires that this text should be understandable by machine. For this purpose, the text is converted into set of real numbers, technically a vector.

  • WE is basically a learned representation for text where words that have the same meaning have a similar representation in the vector space.

  • The process of converting words into real numbers/vectors -> Vectorization.

  • Word embeddings help in the following use cases.
    • Compute similar words
    • Calculate semantics behind words
    • Document clustering/grouping
    • Feature extraction for text classifications
    • Natural language processing.
  • Word embeddings can be calculated using pre-trained methods from libraries such as,
    • Word2Vec — From Google
    • fastText — From Facebook
    • GloVe — From Stanford
  • These are distributed representations of text in an n-dimensional space. Essential for solving most NLP problems.

  • These vectors capture hidden information about a language, like word analogies or semantics.

Word Embedding Methods

These methods learn a real-valued vector representation for a predefined fixed sized vocabulary from a corpus of text.

Most famous architectures such as Word2Vec, Fasttext, Glove converts text to word vectors and uses the cosine similarity between these WE in this n-dimensional vector space for calculating word similarity features.

  • Embedding layer
    • Most native approach

    • Here word embeddings are learned jointly with a neural network model on a specific natural language processing task.

    • The embedding layer is used on the front end of a neural network and is fit in a supervised way using the Backpropagation algorithm.

    • This approach of learning an embedding layer requires a lot of training data and is slow.

    • 2 methods:
      • FeedForward Neural Net Language Model (NNLM)
      • Recurrent Neural Net Language Model (RNNLM)
    • NNLM, RNNLM outperforms for the huge dataset of words but computation complexity is a big overhead
  • Word2Vec
    • Developed at Google

    • Word representations in Vector Space, or word2vec algorithm.

    • Makes the neural-network-based training of the embedding more efficient and is now the de-facto standard for developing pre-trained word embedding.

    • Takes a large text corpus as I/P and produces a vector space, of several hundred dimensions, with each unique word in the corpus being assigned a corresponding vector in this space.

    • Word vectors are positioned in the vector space such that words that share common contexts in the corpus are located in close proximity to one another.

    • 2 learning models were introduced for learning the word embedding:
      • Continuous Bag-of-Words, or CBOW model: learns the embedding by predicting the current word based on its context.

      • Continuous Skip-gram Model: learns the embedding by predicting the surrounding words given a current word.

    • Key benefit is that high-quality word embeddings can be learned efficiently (low space and time complexity), allowing larger embeddings to be learned (more dimensions) from much larger corpora of text (billions of words).
  • GloVe
    • Developed at Stanford.

    • Global Vectors for Word Representation, or GloVe, algorithm is an extension to the Word2Vec method for efficiently learning word vectors.

    • an approach to combine both the global statistics of matrix factorization techniques like LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) with the local context-based learning in Word2Vec.

    • Rather than using a window to define local context, GloVe constructs an explicit word-context or word co-occurrence matrix using statistics across the whole text corpus. The result is a learning model that may result in generally better word embeddings.


We can either generate word vectors for any raw data or use the pre-trained word vectors which ship with FastText.


Downloading & cleaning raw dataset

jalaz@jalaz-personal:~ wget -c -P data/
jalaz@jalaz-personal:~ unzip data/ -d data/
jalaz@jalaz-personal:~ perl /home/jalaz/fastText/ data/enwik9 > data/fil9

Generation of word vectors

import fasttext

# Generation by default settings
model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9')

# Saving the model for later use
model = fasttext.load_model("result/fil9.bin")

2 models for computing word representations:

  1. skipgram model learns to predict a target word thanks to a nearby word.
  2. cbow model predicts the target word according to its context. The context is represented as a bag of the words contained in a fixed size window around the target word.


Practcally, skipgram models works better with subword information than cbow models.

Tweaking parameters

model1 = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9_small', model="cbow")
model2 = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9_small', model="skipgram")
model3 = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9', minn=2, maxn=5, dim=300)
model4 = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9', epoch=1, lr=0.5)
model5 = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9', thread=4)
  • dim (dimension)
    • Controls the size of the vectors
    • larger dim -> more information capture but requires more data to be learned.
    • If too large -> harder and slower to train.
    • By default, dim = 100, but any value in the 100-300 range is good.
  • subwords
    • All the substrings contained in a word between minn and maxn.
    • By default, subword = (3, 6). For different languages ranges may vary.
  • epoch
    • Controls how many times the model will loop over the dataset for training.
    • By default, epoch = 5. For massive dataset, epoch should be less.
  • lr
    • Higher lr -> faster the model converge to a solution but at the risk of overfitting to the dataset.
    • By default, lr = 0.05
  • thread
    • fastText is multi-threaded and uses 12 threads by default.
    • This can easily be tweaked using this parameter for CPUs having less cores.

Usage of word embeddings

  • Word embedding generated for a word can be checked




    [ 0.01122757  0.18961109 -0.16199729  0.11208588
     ---      ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
      0.19992262 -0.06550902 -0.40920728 -0.16724268]
  • Semantic information of the vectors are captured with the nn functionality.




    [(0.7785311341285706, 'princeton'),
     (0.7696226239204407, 'cambridge'),
     (0.7583264112472534, 'glasgow'),
     (0.7519310116767883, 'oxfordshire'),
     (0.7124481797218323, 'routledge')]
  • nn functionality can also be used for spellcorrections purposes.




    [(0.9361368417739868, 'actress'),
     (0.9093650579452515, 'actresses'),
     (0.852777361869812, 'actor'),
     (0.8409433364868164, 'songwriter'),
     (0.771904468536377, 'snooker')]
  • analogies functionality can be used for managing & finding hidden analogies between the data points.


    model.get_analogies("berlin", "germany", "france")


    [(0.896462, u'paris'),
     (0.768954, u'bourges'),
     (0.740635, u'bordeaux'),
     (0.736122, u'pigneaux')]
  • character n-grams are really important. Using subword-level information helps building the vectors in the vector-space for totally unknown words.


    model_without_subwords = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9_small', maxn=0)
    model_normal = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data/fil9_small')


    [(0.775057, u'sunnhordland'),
     (0.769206, u'accomodations'),
     (0.753011, u'administrational'),
     (0.732465, u'asserbo')]
    [(0.96342, u'accomodations'),
     (0.942124, u'accommodation'),
     (0.915427, u'accommodations'),
     (0.701426, u'hospitality')]

Text Classification

Text classification is ML problem for classifying any text into 1 or more labels after training the model using supervised learning methods.

  • Spam detection, language identification, sentiment analysis comes under this domain.

  • Can be single-label classifiers (like spam identifier: spam-not spam) or multi-label classifiers (like language detector: hindi-english-telugu-tamil etc.)

  • For building such classifiers, labeled data is required, which consists of documents and their corresponding labels.

Preparing dataset

  1. Download this awesome dataset on news item classification from Kaggle.

  2. Analyse the dataset present in JSON-Lines type file using
    jalaz@jalaz-personal:~$ head -2 data/news-articles.jsonl
    {"category": "CRIME", "headline": "There Were 2 Mass Shootings In Texas Last Week, But Only 1 On TV", "authors": "Melissa Jeltsen", "link": "", "short_description": "She left her husband. He killed their children. Just another day in America.", "date": "2018-05-26"}
    {"category": "ENTERTAINMENT", "headline": "Will Smith Joins Diplo And Nicky Jam For The 2018 World Cup's Official Song", "authors": "Andy McDonald", "link": "", "short_description": "Of course it has a song.", "date": "2018-05-26"}
  3. Comparing this raw dataset with the standard dataset provided by Facebook Research,
    jalaz@jalaz-personal:~$ head -5 data/cooking.stackexchange.txt
    __label__sauce __label__cheese How much does potato starch affect a cheese sauce recipe?
    __label__food-safety __label__acidity Dangerous pathogens capable of growing at acidic environments
    __label__cast-iron __label__stove How can I cover up the white spots on my cast iron stove?
    __label__restaurant Michelin Three Star Restaurant, but the chef is not there
    __label__knife-skills __label__dicing Without knife skills, how can I quickly and accurately dice vegetables?
  4. Data cleaning & standarization achieved using:
      import json
      fileReader = open("data/news-articles.jsonl", "r")
      fileWriter = open("data/news-articles.txt", "w")
      for line in fileReader:
       news = dict(json.loads(line))
       fileWriter.write("__label__"+news["category"].lower()+" "+news["headline"].lower()+"\n")
  5. Final dataset ready for fastText classifier:
    jalaz@jalaz-personal:~$ head -5 data/news-articles.txt
    __label__crime there were 2 mass shootings - texas last week, but only 1 on tv
    __label__entertainment will smith joins diplo and nicky jam the 2018 world cups official song
    __label__entertainment hugh grant marries the first at age 57
    __label__entertainment jim carrey blasts castrato adam schiff and democrats new artwork
    __label__entertainment julianna margulies uses donald trump poop bags to pick up after her dog
  6. Training-Validation splitting (80-20):
    jalaz@jalaz-personal:~$ wc data/news-articles.txt
    200832  2189821 15670354 data/news-articles.txt
    jalaz@jalaz-personal:~$ head -n 160000 data/news-articles.txt > data/news-articles.train
    jalaz@jalaz-personal:~$ tail -n 40832 data/news-articles.txt > data/news-articles.valid

Creating, saving & using model


import fasttext
model = fasttext.train_supervised(input="data/news-articles.train")

modelLoaded = fasttext.load_model("model/news-classifier-v1.bin")

model.predict("Roger Federer wins US Grand Slam Men's final")
model.predict("North Korea threatens Japan with back to back 4 nuclear tests")
model.predict("Britain exit from the European Union confirmed", k=5)
model.predict("narendra modi aquitted for gujarat riots by the court", k=-1, threshold=0.1)


(('__label__sports',), array([0.91453463]))
(('__label__politics',), array([0.88016534]))
(('__label__politics', '__label__worldpost', '__label__impact', '__label__business', '__label__religion'), array([0.41946396, 0.15596035, 0.13890333, 0.09830396, 0.02962857]))
(('__label__worldpost', '__label__crime', '__label__politics'), array([0.30460522, 0.25598988, 0.14045343]))

Testing model accuarcy

  • Precision: Number of correct labels among the predicted labels.
  • Recall: Number of real labels that could be predicted.


model.test("data/news-articles.valid", k=5)


(40832, 0.5363685344827587, 0.5363685344827587)
(40832, 0.1458170062695925, 0.7290850313479624)

Tweaking parameters & improvisations

  • epochs & lr

    • epoch denotes the number of iterations of training over each datapoint
    • lr denotes the learning rate.


      modelv2 = fasttext.train_supervised(input="data/news-articles.train", epoch=25)
      modelv3 = fasttext.train_supervised(input="data/news-articles.train", lr=1.0)
      modelv4 = fasttext.train_supervised(input="data/news-articles.train", epoch=25, lr=1.0)


      (40832, 0.617701802507837, 0.617701802507837)
      (40832, 0.698226880877743, 0.698226880877743)
      (40832, 0.5116085423197492, 0.5116085423197492)
  • word n-grams

    • word n-grams: Performance of model can be improved by using word bigrams, instead of just unigrams. Important for classification problems where word order is important like sentiment analysis.

    • unigram refers to a single undividing unit, or token. Can be a word or a letter depending on the model. In fastText, we work at the word level and thus unigrams are words.

    • bigram is the concatenation of 2 consecutive tokens or words.

    • “Last donut of the night”

      • unigrams: ‘last’, ‘donut’, ‘of’, ‘the’, ‘night’.
      • bigrams: ‘Last donut’, ‘donut of’, ‘of the’, ‘the night’.


    modelv5 = fasttext.train_supervised(input="data/news-articles.train", epoch=25, lr=1.0, wordNgrams=2)
    modelv5.predict("narendra modi aquitted for gujarat riots by the court", k=-1, threshold=0.1)


    (40832, 0.6719974529780565, 0.6719974529780565)
    (('__label__politics', '__label__crime', '__label__worldpost'), array([0.55176157, 0.24307342, 0.18037586]))
  • loss

    • hs (scaling up for production)
      • training can be made faster for large dataset by using the hierarchical softmax, instead of the regular softmax
      • hierarchical softmax is a loss function that approximates the softmax with a much faster computation
    • ova (multi label classification)
      • for handling multiple labels, convenient way is to use independent binary classifiers for each label
      • one vs all loss helps achieve this.


    modelv8 = fasttext.train_supervised(input="data/news-articles.train", lr=1.0, epoch=25, wordNgrams=2, bucket=200000, dim=50, loss='hs')
    modelv9 = fasttext.train_supervised(input="data/news-articles.train", lr=1.0, epoch=25, wordNgrams=2, bucket=200000, dim=50, loss='ova')
    news = "justin beiber and selena gomez splits after 4 years of relationship"
    print(modelv8.predict(news, k=-1, threshold=0.1))
    print(modelv9.predict(news, k=-1, threshold=0.1))


    (40832, 0.6174568965517241, 0.6174568965517241)
    (40832, 0.655907131661442, 0.655907131661442)
    (('__label__entertainment',), array([0.99964833]))
    (('__label__entertainment',), array([0.95397609]))

Autotuning the hyperparameters

  • Finding best hyperparameters value is crucial for building efficient ml models.

  • Tuning these values manually is cumbersome since these parameters are dependent & their effects on final model vary from dataset to dataset.

  • fastText provides autotune feature for this task.

  modelv10 = fasttext.train_supervised(input='data/news-articles.train', autotuneValidationFile='data/news-articles.valid')
  modelv11 = fasttext.train_supervised(input='data/news-articles.train', autotuneValidationFile='data/news-articles.valid', autotuneDuration=600)
  modelv12 = fasttext.train_supervised(input='data/news-articles.train', autotuneValidationFile='data/news-articles.valid', autotuneModelSize="2M")

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