Automating reporting using Google Sheets API & Python

Jalaz Kumar · July 14, 2020

Google Sheets API allows Read, write, and format data in Sheets. The Sheets API gives you full control over the content and appearence of your spreadsheet data. Find more data at Home Page

Setting up Google Sheets API

Step 1: Log into the Google developer API console & create a project enabling Google Sheets API.


Step 2: Enable the Google Sheets API by toggling enable button



Step 3: You can track & monitor the API usage


Step 4: Create credentials as Service Accounts from here:


Step 5: Copy the credentials and store it in local system with name credentials.json


Setting up Google Spreadsheets

Step 1: Create a blank spreadsheet from Google Sheets


Step 2: Copy the spreadsheet id from the sheet URL


Step 3: Share the spreadsheet with the account associated to Google Sheets API with an editor access


Python Scripts for accessing data

Step 1: Install dependencies from pip

pip install urllib
pip install requests

Step 2: Add following content to the script file for accessing data from some Remote URL

import urllib.request as urllib2
import json, sys
import requests

server = ""
spreadsheetID = "1dB-tiwf-PARIsWGfJvTCwbY1bzVG7SybEaTgW5GWsnY"

connection = urllib2.urlopen(server)
response = json.load(connection)
developer = str(response['developer'])
information = str(response['info'])

We are having developer & API info stored in variables developer & information. Feel free to modify this as per your data.

Python Scripts for populating data

Step 1: Install dependencies from pip

pip install httplib2
pip install googleapiclient
pip install google.oauth2

Step 2: Add following content to the script file for importing dependencies & creating connection

import httplib2
import os
from googleapiclient import discovery
from google.oauth2 import service_account

def makeConnection():
    scopes = ["", "", ""]
    secret_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'credentials.json')
    credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(secret_file, scopes=scopes)
    service ='sheets', 'v4', credentials=credentials)
    return service

service = makeConnection()

Step 3: Add following content to the script file for preparing data

range_fed = "Sheet1!A1:B2"
values = []
values.append(["developer", developer])
values.append(["info", information])
data_fed = { 'values': values }

Step 4: Add following line to the script file for posting data to the spreadsheet

service.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=spreadsheetID, body=data_fed, range=range_fed, valueInputOption='USER_ENTERED').execute()

Data Insertion: Success!


Points to be taken care of:

  • System time should be correct, if running on servers. Kindly ensure time is not skewed.
  • range_fed & data_fed must sync up with each other.
  • Editor access should be provided to the google account having Sheets API enabled.

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